May our passions and purpose intertwine so beautifully that we never work a day in our lives.


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Dream Chasing T-Shirt (Lady Vol Edition)
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The Why Behind My Logo

In designing my logo, there were two themes that continued to emerge when thinking about my personal brand -- Dreams and Outreach. The clouds represent my foundational belief that dreams are worth chasing. The time I invest, the work I put in, the failures I have along the way, it’s all worth it, because I know I’m pursuing my passion and my purpose. Dreams are what get us up in the morning. They’re the greatest gift we can give ourselves and the people we love.

The sunbeams were added to capture my passion for outreach. I believe we all have a platform to give back and make a difference. Each day, my hope is that I can be a vessel of love and light, leaving a lasting impact on the communities I serve and the people I meet. As Michelle Obama once said, “When you’ve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you. You reach back and give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.”

May we continue to dream, and to inspire others to do the same.