Burd’s Word

Hi, welcome to my blog! I’ve been told that I’m quite the blabber on more than one occasion in my life, so I figured I ought to put those skills to good use. I have no idea where these blog posts will lead me. Maybe they’ll be more therapeutic for me than they’ll ever be entertaining for you. But I hope that through the words I share, you’ll have a better insight into the beautifully chaotic life I live. My experiences, my challenges, the people I meet along the way, the different cultures I strive to embrace — they’re all incredibly unique, constantly changing with the seasons.

My words will be open, honest, and transparent. I want to share stories and experiences that entertain and empower, but I also want you to know the real, which as we know, isn’t always pretty. If you have something specific you’d like to read, feel free to drop a comment below! I’d love to get feedback from you, the reader, on what I should write about next.

Just so you know, my life is an absolute rollercoaster! To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, please secure all loose articles, fasten your seatbelts firmly, and keep your hands, arms and legs inside the ride at all times. Enjoy!

With love and light,



Beauty in the Creases